Book List

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Review: A Love Letter Life by Jeremy and Audrey Roloff

Publication Date: April 2, 2019

My rating: ★★★★

“One thing we wholeheartedly agreed on was that love wouldn’t just happen to us. We had to pursue it.”

I adore Jeremy and Audrey and I adored this book! These two write so wonderfully and descriptive that it made me crave all the fall things and want to pack my bags and move on up to Oregon. Of course that wasn't the point of this book, but it was a bonus!

Having seen bits and pieces of Jeremy and Audrey's love story over the years on Little People Big World, it was nice to read their full story in this book, with alternating perspectives. One thing I LOVED about this book is learning how creative these two have been and still are in writing their story. They believe in adventure and their intentionality in their marriage is inspiring! Jeremy and Audrey are both sentimental in the best way and that shows in the traditions they keep (letter writing 💌, visiting their trestle, handmade gifts, etc.) Here is my absolute favorite quote from this book (besides the one above)

“It was refreshing to be with someone who complemented my nonconformity rather than someone who poked fun at my silly aspirations.”

YASS. There's so much goodness in that quote. I love that Jeremy and Audrey keep God at the center of their marriage and lives, and with that means they aren't going to conform to everything the world and society tells them they should do (or think or act or dress). I love this line because it displays how great it is to find someone who you can be 100% yourself around and you don't feel judged or looked down upon. THIS is what marriage should be, folks!

This book is for everyone no matter your relationship status. I loved all the ideas I got from this book for my own marriage and I will most definitely have my husband read this ASAP!  I could keep going about what I loved about this book, but I should probably stop at some point. If I haven't made it clear enough, get this book!! 💗

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